
As many of you know, Soulcaster II was in peer review this week. (This is XNA’s central quality control, where other developers test your game and give it their stamp of approval if they can’t find any objectionable content or crash the game.)

Last night I pulled the game from review after discovering a controller lockup bug, the Evil Guitar Bug that has claimed many lives so far. I thought I had tested for everything, but I missed this. Basically, if you have a guitar controller connected when you start a new game, if you use a player number higher than the guitar’s player number, the game won’t be controllable. This is because the guitar is constantly sending non-neutral signals to the XBOX, and the game thinks the guitar has taken control and locks control to the guitar. The most common solution to this is a “Press Start” screen. If you’ve ever wondered why so many games have this screen, now you know one of the reasons!

There is a one week grace period before I can submit the game again for review, plus two days for it to be passed minimum, so the game is not going to make the first week deadline unfortunately. Nevertheless, I have the next week not only to fix this bug, but make improvements to the game in terms of balance and polish. I lost a lot of sleep scrambling to get things done by December 2nd, so maybe in my daze there were other issues lurking in the shadows that would mar the experience. Now I have time to find them and iron them out.

So, it’ll be another nine days. Bear with me and thanks for your patience!

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