EasyStorage is Easy

Today was devoted to:

  1. Installing Nick Gravelyn’s fantastic EasyStorage code base into Escape Goat, and replacing my existing storage class. (What I had was very similar to EasyStorage, with fewer features, but I figured it was better safe than sorry since ES is very thoroughly tested for edge cases.)
  2. Improving perfomance with ANTS – literally under an hour’s work to reduce time spent in my collision checking routine by about 50%.  Very hard to get the game to slow down now.
  3. Fixing a couple typo’s in the story text for the game.
I also met up with Keith to discuss my impressions of his latest creation-in-progress, 7 Grand Steps, which is shaping up very nicely, and was totally a pleasure to spend time with.

One More Week…

Escape Goat has lost its first round against the monster king that is Peer Review, but it shall rise again in six days’ time…

Final Push To Glory

After some relentless work and lost sleep in the last 48, Escape Goat is basically done!

The music is sent off for mixing and mastering.  The art is complete.  The level design is complete.   Still no known bugs…

I’m taking the weekend off the project, so when I get back I’ll be able to make some minor adjustments to the story, complete the box artwork, and stuff like that.  It’s been an incredibly challenging journey to get this far, and no matter how successful the game is, I’m really proud of what I’ve created.  When it comes out next month, I hope you enjoy it!

In other news, I found an interview with Cursed Loot developer Eyehook Games, where he gives a shoutout to Soulcaster.  Awww, thanks amigo!  That means a lot, seeing as the game-formerly-known-as-Epic-Dungeon remains one of the most addictive and polished games on XBLIG.