The World Is Saved – Any Games Like This?

I was blown away by the artistry and animation in this video.  I can always count on Brian to find stuff like this, including the making-of post.

The art reminded me of old rotoscoped classics like Out of This World.  Have there been any low-res, low-color, high-frame-count, non-tiled animation style games in the last 15 years?  It would take a good amount of work, but there’s a classic waiting to be revealed to the world.

Slightly Different World

This evening was an IGDA-organized “Meet The Press” event at Google campus in Mountain View, which I attended with a few friends.  It was an interesting experience because it showed a completely different side of game development, something I only get a glimpse of every so often.  This is the side of game development about market share, numbers, percentages, billions, social, mobile, mid-core.  For the most part I’m exposed to the indie, creative, artist, nerdy, emo, poverty-stricken side of game development.  It’s good to get things from both sides, but I definitely feel more at home with the indies.


The production value here is just spectacular.  Thanks to Freakin’ Indies for pointing me here.

I really hope this is a smash hit for D-Pad Studio, because the amount of work that went into these sprites and backgrounds is mind-blowing.  This really is picking up where the SNES and Neo-Geo left off.